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Display of a bottle of Relax and Sleep Functional Gummies with Reishi Mushroom and Blackberries
Infographic with bottle of Relax and Sleep Functional Gummies with Reishi Mushroom and BlackberriesReishi for Relax and Sleep with Benefits 30 ct.

Get in control of your sleep without melatonin

We’ve combined the power of Reishi, passion flower, L-Theanine and other herbs to help you wind down and get the rest you need without feeling groggy!

Our bodies struggle with stress and inflammation, root causes of many health problems.

We believe in the power of food and the ability some ingredients have to support and influence your health. We’ve created Nummies, Functional Mushroom Gummies. and Functional Herbal Supplements to help you reduce stressors, alleviate inflammation and reclaim balance so you can heal your body and brain.

“Absolutely unparalleled products. Great option for managing stress .”

– eWellness Magazine
Functional Mushroom Gummies - Nummies

"Nummies Functional Mushroom Gummies have changed my life. They have become the foundation of my daily routine."